Thursday, May 31, 2007

Miracles on Maple Hill: A Book Review

Miracles on Maple Hill

Author: Virginia Sorensen

Illustrated by Beth and Joe Krush

Review by: Minori, Kristina, Victoria, Phalai


Marly’s dad just got back from war and they are going to Maple Hill for vacation. Along the way their car got stuck in the snow so Marly and Joe went out to look for someone to help them get out of the snow. Marly found Mr. Chris, he got his tractor and pulled them out of the snow. They came to stay in the cabin on Maple Hill. They met Fritz, Harry the Hermit, and Mrs. Chris. They also faced some problems like mice in the house and Marly making pancakes and not knowing how to make the fire for the pancakes. Then one of the biggest problems of all! They have a choice… a big choice stay on Maple Hill and help with the sugaring or go back to the city. What will they do?

Why we like this book (or why we don’t)

Phalai: I like this book because it is full of adventures. Joe, Marly’s brother cares about other people he doesn’t know, like Harry the Hermit.

Minori: I like this book because it is full of adventures and you can learn how to help other people in other places.

Kristina: I like this book because I had an experience living in a place like Maple Hill (Alaska). I also experienced sugaring like in the book.

Victoria: I don’t really like this book because there is barely any action. I like books with action. This book is like a life style book

What we would grade this book

Phalai: I would give this book is a C because I got bored in some parts in this book. But I still like this book.

Kristina: I would give this book is a B because some parts of this book took too long to explain.

Minori: I would give this book is a B because the book took too long to explain.

Victoria: I would grade this book a D-. Because this had no action and just took to long to get to the “good part” and the “good part” was very short.

Some of us recommend this book and others don’t

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool book report Minori thanks for letting me visit it!