It's National Pet Week and we would like to introduce you to our favorite classroom pet Mr. Snowball. Mr. Snowball is a white, Norwegian dwarf rabbit. He has red eyes. He is small cute and fluffy. Mr. Snowball is 7 1/2 years old. We would like to educate the public about how to take care of a pet dwarf rabbit.
Keep fresh water available at all times.
Feed your rabbit:Rabbit pellets and hay. You can also feed your rabbit greens, carrots, dry grass, celery, sweet potato, lettuce, Firm fruits (strawberries, apples, pears and bananas) and broccoli but be careful because too much of these foods can upset their tummies and give them diarrhea.

Let your rabbit run around at least once a day.
Clean your rabbit's cage at least 2 -3 times a week.
Put wood in the cage so the rabbit's teeth don't get too long.
Never let your rabbit chew on wires.
Breed your rabbit before one year of age. If you breed them after 1 year the mother's pelvis can fuse causing death for the mother and baby.
Clean the rabbits cage about 2-3 times a week at the minimum.
If your rabbit is an outdoor rabbit you should build a wooden hutch made out of heavy wood and water proof roof.
If your rabbit is an indoor rabbit you can also use a wooden hutch or a cage. Never put two male rabbits in 1 cage or they will fight.
Rabbits can also be litter box trained.
Rabbits are more intelligent than hamsters or guinea pigs.

Netherland dwarf rabbits get easily stressed so there not very good pets for young children.
Never put 2 males together they might fight.
They like to chew on things so never let your rabbit chew on cords.
Netherland dwarf rabbits are curious.
They don't get along with cats and dogs.
These rabbit pet care tips are brought to you as a combine effort of the 4th and 5th grade class of Whispering palms School.
We found Mr. Snowball's itchy spot!
For more information on Pet Care and what Pet Events are coming up this week on Saipan you can go to: